Cairo – Bernie & Jude Travel Their Magical Mystery Tour Fri, 18 Oct 2019 07:55:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cairo Fri, 31 Dec 2010 11:11:48 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Hot on the heels of the last post, I’d just like to add that it’s a good job that the pyramids are beautiful, because the city next to them has a face like a bag full of smashed badgers:

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The Pyramids Wed, 29 Dec 2010 19:34:31 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Our guide to the pyramids made us pose for innumerable cheesy photos of the “look Ma, I’m pushing over the tower of Pisa variety” – us holding the pyramid, us leaning on the Pyramid, us jumping over the pyramid, us linking hands over the pyramid – none of which I intend to sully my good and sensible public image with by posting online. This was the first photo taken, before the five minute photoshoot sapped our will to live:


Here, Jude contemplates suicide after the 20th “now raise your right hand a bit so it looks like you’re hanging onto the top of the Sphinx:

Big 'ole

In case anyone was wondering, this is what the inside of a pyramid looks like:

The burial chamber

The pictures can’t capture the smell – the air was thick with ammonia, making it hard to breathe. Exit was a painfully slow process, crawling up through a 100 metre long stone tunnel towards the daylight.

Climbing out

And finally, this video captures some of the scale of the things (and the Great Pyramid at Giza is over twice as big as this one):

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